Keyword Index


  • Alzheimer's disease The comparison of Selective Attention Deficit in Dual Task Performance in Elderly Alzheimer Patients and Healthy Elderly Individuals [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 59-72]


  • Cultural Capital The Role of Social and Psychological Factors in Students` Interest in Scientific Olympiads with Emphasis on Self-efficacy Construct [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 85-102]
  • Customer Satisfaction The Relationship of Corporate and Brand Images, Quality of Services, Customer Satisfaction with Customers Loyalty in Banking Industry [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 115-130]


  • Grounded Theory Theorizing the Process of Coping with Sexual Disorders Leading to Marital Conflicts based on Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-12]


  • Happiness The Effect of Transactional Analysis group Training on Married Men's Happiness Referred to Counseling and Cultural Centers [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 25-38]


  • Individual spherical Inventory Reliability and Validity of the Original Scale and the Compilation of Individual Spherical Inventory (Activities Form of SCI) in the Assessment of High School Students Career in Terests [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 189-212]


  • Job satisfaction The Structural Model of Psychological Contract Violation, Organizational Commitment, Turnover, Job Satisfaction and Deviant Behaviors [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 55-70]


  • Latency Attachment Scale Standardization and Survey of the Psychometric Properties of Latency Attachment Scale [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 157-170]


  • Marital Conflicts Theorizing the Process of Coping with Sexual Disorders Leading to Marital Conflicts based on Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 1-12]
  • Mental Health The Relationship between Personality Characteristics, General Health, Contextual Factors, and Marital Dissatisfaction of Couples [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 71-84]


  • Organizational citizenship behavior Study of the Effect of Good Temperament and Quality of Work Life on Organizational Citizenship Behaviors [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 39-54]
  • Organizational commitment The Structural Model of Psychological Contract Violation, Organizational Commitment, Turnover, Job Satisfaction and Deviant Behaviors [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 55-70]
  • Organizational Justice Relationship of Workplace Incivility Experience and Organizational Justice with Commitment of Workplace Incivility: with Mediation of Negative Affect and Moderating Role of Neuroticism [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 45-58]


  • Quality of Life Therapy The Effectiveness of Quality of Life Therapy on Anxiety and Depression in Female High School students [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 89-102]
  • Quality of Service The Relationship of Corporate and Brand Images, Quality of Services, Customer Satisfaction with Customers Loyalty in Banking Industry [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 115-130]


  • Rational- Emotive- Behavior Therapy Effectiveness of Rational- Emotive- Behavior Group Counseling (REBT) on Irrational Attitudes about Spouse Selection in Girls and Boys [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 171-188]


  • Self-efficacy The Role of Social and Psychological Factors in Students` Interest in Scientific Olympiads with Emphasis on Self-efficacy Construct [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 85-102]
  • Self-efficacy The Effectiveness of Academic Skills Group Training on Self-Efficacy and Achievement Motivation of First Grade High School Boys [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 31-44]
  • Social adjustment The Relationship between General Health and Attribution Style and its Comparison in Female and Male Freshman and Senior Students in Different Fields [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 145-156]
  • Spouse Selection Effectiveness of Rational- Emotive- Behavior Group Counseling (REBT) on Irrational Attitudes about Spouse Selection in Girls and Boys [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 171-188]


  • University Students The Role of the Big Five Personality Factors in Mindfulness [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 103-114]
  • University Students Prediction of the Five-Factor Personality Traits of Students based on Adult Attachment Styles [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 167-180]


  • Value The Role of Social and Psychological Factors in Students` Interest in Scientific Olympiads with Emphasis on Self-efficacy Construct [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2014, Pages 85-102]