Author Index


  • Abedini, Ali Reza Perceptions, employee-organization relationships and perceived corporate reputation on employees' engagementreputation on employees engagement [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 47-64]
  • Ahmadboukani, Soliman Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire in Students Abstract [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 65-78]


  • Badri, Rahim The effect of Mindfulness on Attention and Comprehension in Children with Specific Learning Disability with Impairment in Reading [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 91-104]
  • Beshlideh, Kiomars Designing & Testing Model of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Leadership & Turnover Intention of Employees with Mediating Role of Affective Commitment & Moderating Role of Person-Organization Fit [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 39-56]


  • Davarniya, Reza Investigating the Effectiveness of Group Positive Psychotherapy on Parenting Stress among Mothers of Children with down criteria [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 33-46]


  • Ebrahimzadeh Dastjerdi, Reza Perceptions, employee-organization relationships and perceived corporate reputation on employees' engagementreputation on employees engagement [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 47-64]


  • Fallahchai, Seyed Reza The Psychometric Properties of Mutual Psychological Development Questionnaire (MPDQ) in Married People [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-18]
  • Fallah Chay, Seyed Reza Evaluation of the effectiveness of human givens therapy (HGT) on reducing depression, anxiety and irrational beliefs of divorced women [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 57-76]
  • Fani Isfahani, Farzaneh The Relationship between Career Adaptability and Entrenchment among Employees of Medical Centers: The Mediating Role of Perceived Career Success [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 19-32]
  • Fasihizadeh, Narjes Validation and standardization of two job- personality questionnaires, DISC Personality Profiler and Hogan Personality Inventory, among personnels of IRANs Refinery and Distribution of Petroleum Products Company [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-20]


  • Ghaedamini Harouni, Abbas Perceptions, employee-organization relationships and perceived corporate reputation on employees' engagementreputation on employees engagement [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 47-64]
  • Gorji, Zahra Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire in Students Abstract [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 65-78]


  • Hakimi, Iman A Survey on the Relationship between Personal and Organizational Spirituality with Job Engagement: Meaning of Work Mediating Role [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 77-90]


  • Karami, Roohallah Evaluation of the effectiveness of human givens therapy (HGT) on reducing depression, anxiety and irrational beliefs of divorced women [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 57-76]
  • Kasaei Esfahani, Abdolrahim Investigating the Effectiveness of Group Positive Psychotherapy on Parenting Stress among Mothers of Children with down criteria [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 33-46]
  • Kavehfarsani, Zabihollah Adolescents' description of the phenomenon of obesity: A Qualitative Research Based on Grounded Theory [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 79-96]
  • Khaluie, Sajjad The Psychometric Properties of Mutual Psychological Development Questionnaire (MPDQ) in Married People [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-18]
  • Khani-Salavat, Zahra The effect of Mindfulness on Attention and Comprehension in Children with Specific Learning Disability with Impairment in Reading [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 91-104]
  • Kiani, Ahmadreza Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire in Students Abstract [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 65-78]


  • Mahdie, Arefeh Adolescents' description of the phenomenon of obesity: A Qualitative Research Based on Grounded Theory [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 79-96]
  • Moazen Jami, Arefe The Psychometric Properties of Mutual Psychological Development Questionnaire (MPDQ) in Married People [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 1-18]


  • Najafi, Noora Validation and Psychometric Properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire in Students Abstract [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 65-78]
  • Nasr Isfahani, Mehdi The Relationship between Career Adaptability and Entrenchment among Employees of Medical Centers: The Mediating Role of Perceived Career Success [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 19-32]
  • Nemati, Shahrooz The effect of Mindfulness on Attention and Comprehension in Children with Specific Learning Disability with Impairment in Reading [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 91-104]
  • Nilforooshan, Parisa The Relationship between Career Adaptability and Entrenchment among Employees of Medical Centers: The Mediating Role of Perceived Career Success [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 19-32]


  • Oreyzi Samani, sayed Hamid Reza Validation and standardization of two job- personality questionnaires, DISC Personality Profiler and Hogan Personality Inventory, among personnels of IRANs Refinery and Distribution of Petroleum Products Company [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-20]


  • Pahlevani, Fariba Designing & Testing Model of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Leadership & Turnover Intention of Employees with Mediating Role of Affective Commitment & Moderating Role of Person-Organization Fit [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 39-56]
  • Parizadeh, Sima Designing & Testing Model of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Leadership & Turnover Intention of Employees with Mediating Role of Affective Commitment & Moderating Role of Person-Organization Fit [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 39-56]


  • Rabiei, Mohammad Adolescents' description of the phenomenon of obesity: A Qualitative Research Based on Grounded Theory [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 79-96]
  • Rezvan Salehi, Rezvan Adolescents' description of the phenomenon of obesity: A Qualitative Research Based on Grounded Theory [Volume 9, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 79-96]


  • Sadeghifard, Maryam Evaluation of the effectiveness of human givens therapy (HGT) on reducing depression, anxiety and irrational beliefs of divorced women [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 57-76]
  • Shahbazi, Hamed Validation and standardization of two job- personality questionnaires, DISC Personality Profiler and Hogan Personality Inventory, among personnels of IRANs Refinery and Distribution of Petroleum Products Company [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 1-20]


  • Validad, Narges Role of Voluntary Learning in the Effect of Organization-based Self-esteem and Role-based Self-efficacy on Perception of Employability [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-38]


  • Yazdanshenas, Mehdi Role of Voluntary Learning in the Effect of Organization-based Self-esteem and Role-based Self-efficacy on Perception of Employability [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 21-38]


  • Zarei, Eghbal Evaluation of the effectiveness of human givens therapy (HGT) on reducing depression, anxiety and irrational beliefs of divorced women [Volume 9, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 57-76]