Keywords = University Students
The Role of Forgiveness and Life Satisfaction in Explaining Self-Compassion of Students of University of Guilan

Volume 7, Issue 2, September 2018, Pages 1-12


Abbas Ali Hossein Khanzadeh; Seyyed Zeenat Fallah Morteza Nejed; Mahboobe Taher; Zahra Seyed Nouri

Role of Experiencing Childhood Traumatic Events and Personality Deviance in Substance Use Risk

Volume 6, Issue 1, September 2016, Pages 1-16


Sajad Basharpoor; Tayyaba Hosseini Kiaseries

Prediction of Newcomer Students’ Homesickness based on Hopefulness and Attachment Style

Volume 5, Issue 2, March 2016, Pages 73-86

Ahmad Vvalikhani; Mohamad. Ali Goudarzi; Mehran Farhadi

The Role of the Big Five Personality Factors in Mindfulness

Volume 4, Issue 1, September 2014, Pages 103-114

M. A Mazaheri; A Zabihzadeh; L malekzadeh

Prediction of the Five-Factor Personality Traits of Students based on Adult Attachment Styles

Volume 4, Issue 1, September 2014, Pages 167-180

E Zarei; R Karami Boldaji; H Heydari; A. A Hossein Khanzadeh; G Baharloo